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CQ World Wide 160-Meter Contest

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2022 CW

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Call Category Comments
JJ0SFVSINGLE-OP HIGHusing mobile whip ant
JJ3JHPSINGLE-OP HIGHI enjoyed the contest.
JJ7PMSSINGLE-OP HIGHpower 150W claimed age as of 74 CATEGORY CODE : SO/H
JK1HIXASSISTED HIGHI enjoyed the contest.
JK1LSEASSISTED LOWI enjoyed it enough.
JK7DWDSINGLE-OP QRPI enjoyed the contest ^_^ CUAGN 73
JL1GPGSINGLE-OP LOWI enjoyed the contest. TU 73!
JL4DJMASSISTED HIGHI enjoyed the contest.
JM1PIHSINGLE-OP LOWI enjoyed the contest.
JN7TANSINGLE-OP HIGHI enjoyed the contest.
JQ1CIVSINGLE-OP HIGHI enjoyed the contest.
JQ1EPDASSISTED LOWI enjoyed the contest.
JR0RBYSINGLE-OP LOWI enjoyed the contest. Thank you.
JR1CADSINGLE-OP LOWI could work only JAs with my 9m-long short wire.
JR2PMTSINGLE-OP HIGHI enjoyed the contest.
JR2UBSSINGLE-OP HIGHI enjoyed the contest.
JR3KQJASSISTED HIGHI enjoyed the contest.
JR6CSYSINGLE-OP HIGHI enjoyed the contest.
JR7ASOSINGLE-OP LOWI enjoyed the contest.
K0IDXSINGLE-OP HIGHCR3W was only contact across the pond
K0PKSINGLE-OP LOWPoor conditions this year. Had fun anyway!
K1LTASSISTED HIGHFirst night was normal. The second night was worst ever. The overall result was not extraordinary.
K2EKMSINGLE-OP QRP5w to 54' endfed wire covering from 1.820. - thanks to those who heard my tiny signal!
K2SEASSISTED HIGHRig :IC-7610 ALS-1300 Dipole at 50 feet. This was my first time in this contest. After adding feedline to my extended 80 meter dipole I was able to get a match under 1.50 above 1.825. Didn't conquer the world but at least I now have a working antenna on t
K3AJMULTI-OPK3AJ operated from the shack. WT3K operated remotely.
K3CCRASSISTED HIGHK3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. As the only available CW op, I (N3UM) did SOHP Assisted in the 2022 CQ 160 CW test. Wet freezing snow kept me QRT Fri. I live a short walk
K3RLASSISTED HIGHAntenna: 160/80 loaded dipole in lazy U (top/bottom wires at 60/20 ft). The antenna resonance changed to below the band for an unknown reason, so was normally running about 1000-1200 watts because the antenna tuner would arc if the power was too high. Eur
K4CGYSINGLE-OP LOWNice conditions, good operators
K4PQCSINGLE-OP QRPI didn't realize this was on at the same time WFD until contacting K4BAI.
K4RFKASSISTED LOWIt's always great to hear so much activity on 160!
K4UEESINGLE-OP HIGHDisappointung condx!
K5GQSINGLE-OP LOWAntenna 132' end feed wire.
K5RXSINGLE-OP HIGHManaged to squeeze in 3 hours.
K5ZDSINGLE-OP HIGHNo QRN at all. Just noise from neighbors' electronic devices. Good condition to Europe on first night. Not so good the second.
K6NRSINGLE-OP HIGHOnly had a few hours for this contest.
K7CAASSISTED HIGHEnjoyed operating for a few hours to keep the old brain active
K7NJASSISTED HIGHExcept for a very few EA and CT QSOs, there were no European openings. Conditions were superb to JA the first night with good conditions to much of the Far East and Oceania. Using K3s with Acom 2000A amplifier. Transmittting antenna is a 54 foot top-loade
K7QBOSINGLE-OP LOWBand was noisy on Friday night, better on Saturday. Thanks for all contest contacts
K8ACASSISTED HIGHGreat opening to Europe Friday evening. Signals not strong, but there were a lot of them.
K8LFASSISTED HIGHI enjoyed 160M contest on CW. Plenty of activity. When I started running Sunday Morning I had a good run going as fresh meat on the band. I also operated Winter FD at the Watermen's Museum Carriage House so was away from 160M CW part of Saturday Evening.
K9NRASSISTED HIGHTerrible conditions and low activity resulted in over 100,000 points less than last year
K9TFASSISTED LOWIt was sure was fun and nice to hear and work so many stations this year on 160m. Jim K9TF
K9WWTSINGLE-OP HIGHGood band conditons!
KA6BIMASSISTED HIGHI had fantastic conditions on Friday Night. Worked all states, and had a great run of nearly 100 JA stations. Saturday night was a different story. Highest hour rate was 20 which was about my lowest hour on Friday. The only Europe I worked, was a fairly s
KC3RASSISTED HIGHSure wish I had put more time in on Saturday night! As always, a great event. I was very sad that this was not submitted as a Multi-Op again this year as in previous years. My tag-team partner and station owner, Eric, N3EB, became a SK on Decembe
KC4TSINGLE-OP LOWFirst 160 contest, and on an antenna that is definitely not cut for 160.

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