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CQ World Wide 160-Meter Contest

Submitting Your Log

The CQ 160 Contest Committee asks everyone who participates in the contest to submit their log in electronic format by web upload. Even small logs are very helpful in the log checking process and are greatly appreciated.

Electronic Logs

All submitted logs must be in the Cabrillo file format.

If your logger does not output Cabrillo format, use our converter for Adif files.

Submit your electronic log using the Log Check page. It will provide immediate feedback so you can correct any errors before submitting the log.

You can view the current list of logs received: CW Logs Received or SSB Logs Received.

Once your log has been submitted correctly, we will send you an e-mail containing a tracking (confirmation) number.


Completely fill out the header information in the Cabrillo file. You can do this while you are setting up the contest information in the logging program, or afterward using a text editor like Windows Notepad.

Check the Cabrillo file header closely before submitting your log. Your entry WILL be based on the information in the header of your Cabrillo file at the time you submit your log.

The only way to change your log entry once the robot has accepted it is for you to submit another log. Each new log submitted will replace any previous submission.

Note: Logs are due within 5 days of the end of the contest! You may still submit a log after that date, but it will be marked as late and not be eligible for awards.

Common Errors

Many log submission issues are due to simple errors that can be easily corrected. The LogCheck page should explain any problem, but it is always a good idea to check the following before submitting your log.

If you have a problem submitting your log or receive an error message that you do not understand, use the contact form to ask for help.

Paper Logs

Paper logs are no longer accepted for the CQ 160 Meter contest. Please try to find someone who can help you type your log into the computer and submit it using the web upload page.


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