Call | Category | Comments |
UT5UT | ASSISTED HIGH | Poor condx to NA |
UW1U | ASSISTED LOW | Many thanks for this nice contest! Still use SDR FlexRadio 3000 with Inv L antenna for TX and BOGs for RX. |
V31HE | ASSISTED LOW | I had great fun and it's was the first time I worked remote sitting in Germany |
VA3MW | ASSISTED HIGH | Flex 6600 + PGXL - all remote and co-located. |
VA3RKM | SINGLE-OP QRP | K3, 5w, 1/4-wave wire. |
VA3SB | SINGLE-OP LOW | Thank you for a fun contest. 73 Serge VA3SB |
VE3DS | SINGLE-OP LOW | Had a great time this year on 160. |
VE3FAS | MULTI-OP | thank you! |
VE3NZ | SINGLE-OP QRP | I was using my own CW skimmer for assistance at the same location as my station. I did not use the Internet during the contest. My power was set to 1 Watt because I used the IC-705 radio with the built in battery. |
VE3PN | SINGLE-OP HIGH | Good fun again, running with 125Hz filter needs practice lots of tuning, thanks to all who took part! |
VE5CPU | SINGLE-OP HIGH | Just a few hours of fun Saturday night. |
VE5SF | SINGLE-OP LOW | Good conditions the second evening |
VE6SV | ASSISTED HIGH | At 53 degrees N most stations did not point their 160M antennas my way |
VE6WZ | ASSISTED HIGH | Flex 6600, Acom 2000a, 2 el parasitic TX, Beverages and 9 circle I set a personal goal to make over 1,000 QSOs so Closest I got was to squeeze out a QSO with D4Z. Even Asia |
VE7KW | ASSISTED LOW | Only 3AM to 5AM Sunday was productive from here. No Pacific except for HI. (no diversity or full QSK) to but was a good exercise. Keith |
VE9CB | SINGLE-OP HIGH | I would rather have been in Labrador (VO2). |
VK3MI | SINGLE-OP LOW | I operated portable from a farm stay 60 km east of Melbourne Radio - Flex-6400 Antennas - Inverted L and dipole, both 20m high |
VO1HP | ASSISTED HIGH | On Thursday I drove to my remote location to repair the Inv L FCP with help from Boyd VO1DI. It was snowing but no wind. I neglected to check my BOG. Discovered back home that it was not working. The insulation might be cracked and the copper is Found co |
W0LSD | SINGLE-OP LOW | Grandkids showed up, guess who won? HI An hour on Friday was the extent of the contest for me. |
W0ODS | SINGLE-OP HIGH | Ice storm closed in on Saturday. Somewhere under 2 feet of accumulated show, the EU Beverage's feedline opened up. By Saturday evening, something let loose in the TX antenna match, up 20 feet in an ice-covered tree. It was good while it lasted. |
W0OR | SINGLE-OP HIGH | No Europeans penetrated the Minnesota Black Hole |
W0UO | SINGLE-OP LOW | Unfortunately encountered a small thunderstorm starting around 0300 local Saturday morning lasting through daylight generating 4 units of intermitent rain static on both towers. |
W0YJT | ASSISTED LOW | I enjoy my sleep time too! |
W1BQ | ASSISTED HIGH | Using a 20 foot flagpole antenna with loading coil and 50 radials. Icom-7610, Palstar LA-1K amp and Palstar HF-Auto tuner. 11 hours operating. Only was able to hear 3 European stations. |
W1CTN | ASSISTED HIGH | Last 160 contest from this QTH...retiring and moving to 160 ant farm to be built |
W1ND | SINGLE-OP LOW | Gud fun. Faulty coax off my KXPA decided to end my time in contest. Casual Contester, like the challenge. |
W1NN | SINGLE-OP LOW | Remote from Tokyo. |
W1QK | SINGLE-OP LOW | Thank you for sponsoring the contest. 73 - Dan, W1QK. |
W1WEF | SINGLE-OP HIGH | Had to quit early because I finally figured out that my cable TV box was being destroyed by RF on 160. I had to get a new box from the Cable store Saturday morning and didnt want to chance blowing another one or depriving my wife of TV by disconn ! JACK W |
W2JAZ | ASSISTED LOW | Not much of a contester but I enjoy cw |
W3EKT | ASSISTED HIGH | Maybe 9 hours on the air. Saturday night best for EU DX here. |
W4IEE | SINGLE-OP HIGH | First contest using Flex PGXL amp with 6600. Makes a difference! |
W4PM | ASSISTED HIGH | Very good conditions allowing excellent runs at the beginning of the contest. Good EU Dx Saturday night around 0600z. Called by UA2FW Friday at 0240z, the only EU I could hear that night. No DX worked to the west - best dx that direction was CA. Missed ND |
W4SO | MULTI-OP | Missed 3 states AK, ND, and WA. Target of over 1000 Q's was met so very successful. We are already discussing an improved version for 2022. |
W4VIC | ASSISTED HIGH | Thanks for the Qs. Be SAFE, Keep well. 73, Vic W4VIC |
W4WWQ | SINGLE-OP HIGH | 500W S&P Inv L No receive only antennas. |
W5IO | SINGLE-OP LOW | First CQ 160 could only really op on Sat. evening but had fun running 100+ Q's and some new countries on 160. |
W6C | ASSISTED LOW | This is another WEIRD operation from W7AYT's QTH in Concord. While Dual-OP'ing as WQ6X (Fallbrook) and NO6T (Anza) I found time to play around iun Concord evaluating the alleged signal vortex in this area especially on 160-meters. LooK for this to be writ |
W6JBR | SINGLE-OP HIGH | My 31 foot wire vertical with no radials, fed by a 9-to-1 unun, is not a very efficient radiator on 160m. So, I was very pleased to work 38 Qs in 13 states, including some east coast. Thanks for the Qs! See you in the next one! 73, JR Elecraft K3/100 + P3 |
W6SIY | SINGLE-OP LOW | Only one night of operation due to Winter Field Day. |
W7DRA | SINGLE-OP HIGH | just the usual HQ100/bc453 q5er and tuned loop antenna, ARC5 VFO with 6AG7/807 keyed SOAPBOX: MOPA driving a pair of 805s at 250 watts input to an inverted L with 5 radials |
W7EW | SINGLE-OP HIGH | Good Clean fun! |
W7QM | SINGLE-OP HIGH | The 160 meter position at the ND7K Super Station worked great. |
W7RH | ASSISTED LOW | I was rendered out of the race early due to network connection and high precipitation static due to snow, wind and electrical storm. Next year! W7RH |
W7XZ | SINGLE-OP LOW | First entry in this contest since early 1980s. Most notable difference is that my eyelids get a lot heavier at midnight than they did forty years ago. |