Call | Category | Comments |
I4JEE | SINGLE-OP LOW | Propagation not excellent, here rain all day, antenna with problems, many Europeans with strong signals and few DX interesting to me to reach the 100 countries of the DXCC Always a gd Contest |
I7PHH | SINGLE-OP LOW | Partecipating only 1 hour just for fun.... |
IK0ISD | SINGLE-OP LOW | mi sono divertito molto nonostante la mia modesta stazione. |
IK2XYI | ASSISTED HIGH | Only Spare Time, but lot of fun! see You next one! |
IK4AUY | SINGLE-OP HIGH | limited time of operations: only saturday night. L vertical (only 10.5meters high and sloping down 11meters of wire.Lin Ampl BLA600 max 500Watts. Rig: TS-590SG. Station QTH: JN54MI (about 700meters a.s.l.). |
IT9QGH | SINGLE-OP HIGH | yaesu ftdx5000 dipole Inv. V 160mt. |
IV3BCA | SINGLE-OP LOW | Rig Elecraft K3 Inv. L |
JA0BZY | SINGLE-OP LOW | I enjoyed the contest. |
JA0GCY | SINGLE-OP HIGH | I enjoyed the contest. |
JA1EMQ | SINGLE-OP LOW | I enjoyed the contest. |
JA1GZK | SINGLE-OP LOW | Good Luck! |
JA1ILA | ASSISTED HIGH | I enjoyed the contest. |
JA1IXY | SINGLE-OP HIGH | I enjoyed the contest. |
JA1KXT | SINGLE-OP HIGH | I enjoyed the contest. |
JA1TMG | SINGLE-OP HIGH | I enjoyed the contest. |
JA3MIB | SINGLE-OP LOW | I enjoyed the contest. |
JA4CUU | SINGLE-OP HIGH | I enjoyed the contest. |
JA4OPW | ASSISTED HIGH | Thank you for picking up my weak signal. |
JA6ELV | SINGLE-OP HIGH | I enjoyed the contest. |
JA7BEW | SINGLE-OP LOW | I enjoyed the contest. |
JA8RWU | ASSISTED LOW | Finally I put up 160m ant during the contest. Just added wires surrouding my house and hanging in the trees for a full size to my 80m inv.v up abt 9mtrs. Wkd 6-HLs, 1-JT, 6-UA9/0s, 29-JAs. Hrd but not wkd:BY,UA3&4,UR,VR2,W5&6 Could run and called by nine |
JA9FHB | SINGLE-OP HIGH | I enjoyed the contest. |
JE1DXC | ASSISTED HIGH | See you folks |
JE1SPY | SINGLE-OP LOW | I participated to a single-op lowpower. I was using my antenna only 4m length Micro Vert antenna on my condominium's balcony and using K2 bearfoot! The condition was very quarious. decreased compared with last year this year. We JA stations could QSO many |
JF1GZZ | SINGLE-OP LOW | I enjoyed the contest. JF1GZZ/2 NAGOYA CITY |
JF1OPO | SINGLE-OP LOW | I enjoyed the contest. |
JF2FIU | SINGLE-OP HIGH | Thank you all stations! May the coronavirus disappear. |
JF3IPR | ASSISTED LOW | I enjoyed the contest. |
JF3LOP | ASSISTED HIGH | I am glad that I could QSO with many stations even |
JH0EQN | ASSISTED HIGH | I enjoyed the contest. |
JH1KPT | SINGLE-OP LOW | I enjoyed the contest. |
JH1OGC | SINGLE-OP HIGH | I enjoyed the contest. |
JH1WOY | ASSISTED LOW | I enjoyed the contest. |
JH2GZY | SINGLE-OP LOW | Thanks nice QSO |
JH4RUM | SINGLE-OP LOW | I enjoyed the contest. |
JH4UYB | SINGLE-OP HIGH | Great Contest ! |
JH6TNH | SINGLE-OP HIGH | Enjoy the contest! |
JH7UJU | SINGLE-OP QRP | FT-817ND, 5watts. EH |
JH9CEN | SINGLE-OP HIGH | I enjoyed the contest. |
JH9DRL | ASSISTED HIGH | TS-990S 200W Inverted L 8mH |
JH9FCP | ASSISTED HIGH | I enjoyed the contest. |
JI1VAH | SINGLE-OP LOW | Many Thanks for all stations |
JI4WHS | ASSISTED HIGH | I enjoyed the contest. |
JK1HIX | ASSISTED HIGH | I enjoyed the contest. |
JK1TCV | SINGLE-OP QRP | I used power less than 5W THIS 3 QSO'S WAS NO COUNT.BECAUSE I USED HIGH POWER QSO. 1800 CW 2021-01-31 1229 JK1TCV 599 25 XE2X 599 06 1800 CW 2021-01-31 2142 JK1TCV 599 25 OM7M 599 15 1800 CW 2021-01-31 2145 JK1TCV 599 25 LZ5R 599 20 |
JK1WSH | SINGLE-OP HIGH | I enjoyed the contest. |
JL1QDO | SINGLE-OP LOW | Rig: FT-2000(100W) Ant: Micro Vert |
JL3DQX | ASSISTED LOW | I enjoyed this contest.Thank you for all people. |