Call | Category | Comments |
EA6SX | SINGLE-OP LOW | Better antennas - Better result. Unfortunately only for the contest. Inexorable conditions and power make the different at Milles. Anyway as always, I really enjoyed it. Thanks for the fun guys. 73,s Mike EA6SX |
ED1R | MULTI-OP | Dipole, no rx ant, remote operation main time. Tnx qsos |
EU6RO | ASSISTED LOW | TS590s + InVee |
EU8R | ASSISTED LOW | FT-840, Dipole |
EW3LN | SINGLE-OP HIGH | 300 Vt. power @ Inv.-l ant. in centre sity |
EW5A | MULTI-OP | 4 SQ vertical multi RX beverage 4 radio (6 beverage x 500m) phased beverage system (2 x 400m) USA and Japan |
EW8R | ASSISTED HIGH | Thanks for FB contest! |
EX8MJ | ASSISTED LOW | FT-920, Inv.V Tks for contest |
F4HPZ | SINGLE-OP LOW | Pwr= 5 to 50 W Ant= 50m LW up 10 m + manual L//C tuner |
F5GGL | SINGLE-OP LOW | TRX ftdx101 ANT Linv PWR 100w |
F6GOX | ASSISTED HIGH | Give some points in very poor conditions. |
FM5BH | SINGLE-OP HIGH | I am a 160m addict. Need medecine ! |
G0GHK | ASSISTED HIGH | apart from the last 1hr or so, ran the stn at 100W. condx up and down so switched on the Alpin 100 shack heater. 73 from all at |
G0W | ASSISTED LOW | I had a rubbish aerial, so sorry to all those that worked me. |
G1G | SINGLE-OP LOW | Was working for most but quite happy for an antenna only 12' in height |
G2X | SINGLE-OP LOW | The winds from hell came again on both nights 900ft asl here ,but nothing broken |
G3RLE | ASSISTED LOW | Dipole Antenna |
G3VYI | SINGLE-OP LOW | tnx for the contest !! |
G3YRZ | SINGLE-OP LOW | Thanks for good ears. Poor antenna here - low loop. |
G4A | SINGLE-OP HIGH | Very hard going this year. Signals from north america very weak. |
G4BUO | SINGLE-OP HIGH | DX conditions much better on the first morning. Only QRV for nine hours. Great to work N2AA in memory of Gene. |
G4DDL | SINGLE-OP LOW | Hard work with 100W and only 30m long-wire but good fun. |
G4FAL | ASSISTED HIGH | 80 MPH winds brought a premature end to the contest on Saturday morning. I was quite pleased with the first night but unfortunately that was the end of it for me. |
G4N | SINGLE-OP QRP | Tough going with only 5W and a high SWR but pleased with the result as could only manage a few hours operating time. Had to be QRP as the 80m doublet doesn't tune properly on 160m! |
G4PIQ | ASSISTED HIGH | Just a few hours of playing. Poor conditions to North America. |
G5Q | ASSISTED LOW | Poor condx to NA both nights - and especially poor Saturday evening through Sunday morning. Stations 1000 km were unusually weak all contest - but local VDSL and SMPS generated noise is killing the hobby for those of us in urban areas. With all that said, |
G5W | ASSISTED HIGH | Generally sub-normal conditions - hard going this year! |
G6M | ASSISTED LOW | Due to heavy winds I had to abandon the contest early. No urgent damage to antennas but had to lower my telescopic tower for safety reasons. Why is it that this contest weekend seems to coinside with stormy Space or Weather conditions. Both happened this |
GM3X | ASSISTED HIGH | only 14 hours |
HA3DX | MULTI-OP | Rig: YAESU FTDX-3000 HENRY 3K Premier PA Ant-Delta loops(NW-SE) (SW-NE) full size,verticaly polarized K9AY+ 3xBOG NW-NE-SE Preselector from HA5IW improved significantly our RX quality and it solved the usage of our TX antennas with SDRPLAY RSP2. Our first |
HA5JI | ASSISTED HIGH | 73 Gyuri |
HA5MA | ASSISTED HIGH | Remote operation : HG5C |
HA6NN | ASSISTED LOW | I have been using one half of an OCF dipole, tuned up by a coupler. Almost QRP output! |
HB0/DL3DXX | MULTI-OP | marked 3 unsure QSOs as X-QSO to avoid penalty |
HB9ARF | SINGLE-OP LOW | Elecraft K3 100 Watts and Kelemen Dipole for 1.8 and 3.5 MHz |
HB9AYZ | SINGLE-OP QRP | Nice contest. - Antenna LW about 25 m with tuner |
HB9DQL | ASSISTED HIGH | RIG IC-7851 and OM 2000A+ antenna: 2x34m inverted V center fed dipole using SAMS antenna matching system thanks for contact 73 Juerg, HB9DQL |
HB9IJC | ASSISTED HIGH | Worked only friday night and sunday evening. |
HB9NE | ASSISTED HIGH | Great condx first night, unfortunately I only had a beverage on saturday |
HK1MW | SINGLE-OP HIGH | For cheking purpose only |
HL3AMO | ASSISTED LOW | Bad local noise, limited RX. |
I0/S58Y | ASSISTED LOW | 20m long inv L wire antenna, base loading, 3 radials on the ground. Excellent propagation in EU, other stations were out of my range. CU next year from my domestic location with better antennas and of course higher power. |
I1NVU | ASSISTED HIGH | 73 de Claudio |
I2BPP | SINGLE-OP QRP | Rig Elad FDM DUO pwr:5w Ant Windom wire 39m long 12m high |
I2WIJ | ASSISTED HIGH | I missed the best night! CU next one. Bob, I2WIJ |
IK3SWB | ASSISTED HIGH | Few time on it. Propagation here was not as good as previous years I participate |
IQ2CJ | ASSISTED HIGH | Conditions to NA were quite bad, TX was the western state worked, and respect last year missed 12 states in log. On Sunday the A index increased to ~20, the band was cut off to norhen paths resulting in almost no US station worked and those worke On the o |