Call | Category | Comments |
DL6MHW | ASSISTED HIGH | I love this contest. Much work to setup antennas. But nice score and more than 100 DX contacts. Always amanzing to study the signals from overseas, waiting for some peak. Missing the DXpeditions. |
DL7CX | MULTI-OP | some minutes of working. On my side was my daughter DO7CX to learn how is a real pile up...hihi |
DL8KFO | SINGLE-OP LOW | 160m is the real magic band I suppose. tnx fer mni qsos! |
DL8TG | ASSISTED LOW | Good activity and a lot of fun. Thanks all for the QSOs and see you in the next 73 Klaus |
DL8WAZ | ASSISTED LOW | Nice contest, hpe cuagn, 73s |
DL8ZAJ | ASSISTED LOW | Because my 160 Meter antenna came down only 40 meter longwire not designed for 160 meter in the first place. |
DM4MN | ASSISTED LOW | I had a lot of fun for about 2 and 1/2 hour -- bit training maby next year more time. VY 73 de Mario DM4MN |
DM6EE | ASSISTED LOW | Was a nice contest. With a dipole not very high more is not possible. Better antennas needed. |
DM7C | SINGLE-OP QRP | My first CQWW 160m with qrp. I was surprised how much QSOs I can get with only 5 watts. Due to weather conditions and covid restrictions the decision to do QRP was right. The INV L was quick ready to work and the small Yeasu worked perfectly if no so much |
DR4W | MULTI-OP | Murphy came on Friday, but we could solve the problem . Many contacts and lot of experience. That will help for further activities |
EA6SX | SINGLE-OP HIGH | Bad conditions and it seems not much activity on CW as before, but as always I enjoy a lot and I do my best. SR & SS make the magic on hard DX as always. Fortunately the COVID19 pandemic, has left me without neighbors QRM. Thanks friends for calling me. 7 |
EA7X | ASSISTED HIGH | Two hours after the start I had to stop as the TX antenna went faulty. We managed to fix it termporarily for the second night until it failed again in the morning. Thanks to my lovely hosts Bego and Raul, EC7WR. FTDX101d + Powergenius amp + 1/4 wl vertica |
ED8W | ASSISTED HIGH | This was the very first real serious remote contest operation from ED8W QTH. IC-7610 controlled by N1MM logging software proved as a perfect combination. Is not the same as siting directly behind the radio, but I could adapt to that conditions re I would |
EF5Y | ASSISTED HIGH | EA5RS station |
EI5KG | SINGLE-OP HIGH | NA conditions not great Plenty of EU |
EU6DX | SINGLE-OP QRP | Used FT897d 5w+ LW 42m |
EU8R | ASSISTED LOW | IC-703, Dipole 80m, GP 40m, |
EW3LN | SINGLE-OP HIGH | 300 Vt. @ Inv.-L antenna up 14m |
F1AKK | SINGLE-OP LOW | 25min at end of contest for fun! Tks for qsos 73s Oli |
F5PYJ | SINGLE-OP HIGH | quelques probleme au depart du concours, mais je me suis bien amuse :) |
G3PHO | ASSISTED HIGH | Not a serious entry. Only had time for intermittent operating. 400watts to a low 204 ffoot long doublet at 30 feet above ground. |
G3VYI | SINGLE-OP LOW | poor condx here to usa, good to eu |
G4BUO | SINGLE-OP HIGH | Only 12 hours operation but great fun. Pleased to work as far west as AZ, and JA to the east. |
G4DDL | SINGLE-OP LOW | Pleanty of Stations to work as always It is good to see 160m so busy. 73 to all G4DDL |
G4FAL | ASSISTED HIGH | Propagation was slightly down on 2020 but the contest was fun none-the-less. |
G4IIY | MULTI-OP | Part-time entry because of other commitments. |
G4L | SINGLE-OP HIGH | Just a token entry really as now have too much noise on 160m. |
G4RGK | ASSISTED LOW | Last minute minimalist effort, I put up a 132ft best bent wire at 25ft in a horizontal V shape and used a K2 at 100w, really difficult to crack the pile ups |
G5W | ASSISTED HIGH | Mixed conditions. Hard work to the Far East until the Sunday evening. US mediocre until two spectacular pre-dawn peaks. High European activitiy and clicks made the weaker QSOs hard Great contest. |
GU4YOX | SINGLE-OP HIGH | My amplifier failed after 11 QSO's hence 80W Low Power all first night. I had to stop operating Saturday morning due to Covid contact and had to isolate immediately and leave site. Next year should be better! Thanks for the QSO's 73 Bob GU4YOX |
HA2MN | SINGLE-OP LOW | It was a fun to take part in the contest. My antenna is not really optimal for 160 m job though it worked somehow and finally I could achieve a result I had never hoped prior to the event, Many thanks for QSOs and hope to see you |
HA3YE | SINGLE-OP LOW | RIG: YAESU FT-100 ANT: 26m long wire :) Tanks for nice contest! |
HA6NL | ASSISTED LOW | ICOM756pro 100w GP - Dipole |
HA8AT | SINGLE-OP LOW | FT990 ant LW 41,5m |
HB9AGA | SINGLE-OP HIGH | Icom IC 7600, Linear ACOM 2000 A, Antennas: Dipol 2x41m, Vertical GAP Voyager |
HB9AYZ | SINGLE-OP QRP | Lousy conditions for a QRP station with 18 m wire antenna only. |
HB9CPS | SINGLE-OP LOW | Had to skip the first night due to high and very gusty winds that my vertical would not have survived. Fortunately the next night the winds calmed down a bit. Thanks for the great contest! 73 de geo |
HB9CVQ | ASSISTED HIGH | 2x36m corner inv. Vee sloping from 24m up , 1 KW out FTDX101MP/ RF-KIT RF2K-S no suitable DX receive antenna |
HB9HDV | SINGLE-OP LOW | This was my second 160m CW contest. The condition was so good. I could hear US stations but could not have a QSO. I enjoyed very much. |
HB9HQX | SINGLE-OP LOW | TRX = Elecraft K3 100W |
I0YQV | SINGLE-OP LOW | Too much station call one over another, misrespect of the dx station... Ham spirit is the new alchol? :-) |
I2IFT | ASSISTED HIGH | My first contest in 160m from my city site. Wow, what a thrill with a simple wire antenna folded with the apex seven meters above the ground. Thank you all for your patience. CU in the next test only CW. Ciao de Giovanni (John) i2ift |
I2WIJ | ASSISTED HIGH | Just few hours. Nice conditions. |