Raw scores as calculated before log checking. Last update: 2024-02-25
Listing shows rank, call, score, and operators. Checklogs are not included.
Please report any errors using the Contact Form so they can be corrected during the log checking.
1 JH2FXK.............37,080 2 JR4OZR.............36,900 3 JH7XGN.............19,749 4 JF3LOP.............12,950 5 JO7KMB..............8,120 6 JF3IPR..............6,352 7 JF7PHE..............4,964 8 JI1FOE..............4,575 (-) 9 JA4OPW..............3,640 10 JK1HIX..............2,951 11 JS2MKU..............2,904 12 JA7MSQ..............2,880 13 JE1NVD..............2,730 14 JA4CZM..............1,529 15 JA0GCI..............1,260 16 JH9DRL..............1,248 17 JF3DRI..............1,224 18 JK1HWU..............1,218 19 JQ1TAR..............1,080 20 JA0FVU................840 21 JR1BAS................360 22 JO4CFV.................24
(C) = CLASSIC overlay category. 1 radio, <24 hours
(R) = ROOKIE overlay category. Licensed <3 years
(Y) = YOUTH overlay category. Age 25 or below