Raw scores as calculated before log checking. Last update: 2025-03-08
Listing shows rank, call, score, and operators. Checklogs are not included.
Please report any errors using the Contact Form so they can be corrected during the log checking.
1 IK0YUT............728,962 2 IO5Y..............487,400 (IZ5DIY) 3 IK7YTT............472,329 4 IK4VYX............283,584 5 I2IFT.............223,272 6 IK3SWB............180,979 7 IK4DCX............143,616 8 IO5M...............96,530 (IZ5ICH) 9 I4VEQ..............87,326 10 IU4NYV.............76,300 11 II4B...............71,616 (IK4AUY) 12 IU4JNR.............64,932 13 IZ4BOY.............35,292 14 I3FIY..............27,291 15 IZ2BVC.............23,976 16 IV3VFR.............20,350 17 IO3M...............15,584 18 IK2SAU.............12,948
(C) = CLASSIC overlay category. 1 radio, <24 hours
(R) = ROOKIE overlay category. Licensed <3 years
(Y) = YOUTH overlay category. Age 25 or below