Raw scores as calculated before log checking. Last update: 2025-03-08
Listing shows rank, call, score, and operators. Checklogs are not included.
Please report any errors using the Contact Form so they can be corrected during the log checking.
1 JA1SVP.............21,025 2 JA7KPI.............18,900 3 JA6BZI.............15,756 4 JH0MUC.............10,584 5 JE1SPY.............10,469 6 JA1BJI..............4,186 7 JA1EMQ..............2,450 8 JR8QFG..............1,692 9 JJ1JVC................854 10 7K1CPT................720 11 JK1TCV................490 12 JH6RON................408 13 JM1LAW................402 14 JK1BVN................366 15 7M3LDC................180 16 JO4MTH................156 17 JR7BVQ................152 18 JA8RUZ................138 19 JA2JWH................108 20 JG1UQD................104 21 JN1FAO.................86 22 JR3EPI.................72 23 JA1BBC.................70 24 JO6NZN.................66 25 JH4NJQ.................60 26 JM7SKE.................50 27 JH0DAY.................40 28 JE2QHK.................30 29 JA1CHY.................28 30 JE4FTT.................16 31 JR7ASO.................10 32 JE8UHY..................8
(C) = CLASSIC overlay category. 1 radio, <24 hours
(R) = ROOKIE overlay category. Licensed <3 years
(Y) = YOUTH overlay category. Age 25 or below