Raw scores as calculated before log checking. Last update: 2025-03-08
Listing shows rank, call, score, and operators. Checklogs are not included.
Please report any errors using the Contact Form so they can be corrected during the log checking.
1 IV3EAD.............75,735 2 IK2ULV.............69,746 3 IK1JJM.............46,908 4 IU5ASA.............33,285 5 IN3MNS.............27,480 6 I1MMN..............15,540 7 IK0ISD..............3,792 8 IK8PGM..............3,114 9 IZ3QCH..............2,506 10 I4JEE...............1,860 11 II1R................1,690 (IW1CBG) 12 IK2AUK..............1,320 13 IK2SYK................726 14 IK1VQO................392 15 IZ2CSX.................51
(C) = CLASSIC overlay category. 1 radio, <24 hours
(R) = ROOKIE overlay category. Licensed <3 years
(Y) = YOUTH overlay category. Age 25 or below