Raw scores as calculated before log checking. Last update: 2025-03-08
Listing shows rank, call, score, and operators. Checklogs are not included.
Please report any errors to director@cq160.com so they can be corrected during the log checking.
World: #178 of 458 173 W8GP...............19,551 174 N2RI...............19,404 175 OE1CIW.............19,386 176 N1QY...............19,270 177 F8IPH..............19,044 178 JA7KPI.............18,900 179 RM3TO..............18,720 180 N8LR...............18,685 181 UA3YDI.............18,495 182 OK2GU..............18,424 183 DL0U...............18,216 (DL2ZA) [all scores]
Continent (Asia): #4 of 51 1 4Z5PN.............204,104 2 TA3NE.............181,890 3 JA1SVP.............21,025 4 JA7KPI.............18,900 5 JA6BZI.............15,756 6 RU9AC..............11,592 7 JH0MUC.............10,584 8 JE1SPY.............10,469 9 JA1BJI..............4,186 10 EX8MJ...............3,990 [all scores]
Country/Area (JA): #2 of 32 1 JA1SVP.............21,025 2 JA7KPI.............18,900 3 JA6BZI.............15,756 4 JH0MUC.............10,584 5 JE1SPY.............10,469 6 JA1BJI..............4,186 7 JA1EMQ..............2,450 8 JR8QFG..............1,692 9 JJ1JVC................854 10 7K1CPT................720 [all scores]