Raw scores as calculated before log checking. Last updated: 2024-02-25
Listing shows rank, call, score, and operators. Checklogs are not included. Click on the category name to to see all scores.
Please report any errors to director@cq160.com so they can be corrected during the log checking.
Single-Op High Power EU4E..............371,670 EW3LN..............70,219
Single-Op Low Power EW1TO..............15,088
Single-Op QRP EW1P................4,009
Single-Op Assisted High Power EU8U..............185,706 EW4A..............181,772 EW1I..............101,500 EW2A...............91,274 EW6FL..............86,850 (ALEX) EW1OW..............21,083
Single-Op Assisted Low Power EU3A..............114,840 EW2ES.............107,583 EW1M..............102,648 EU1AI..............75,825 EU1ST..............27,030 EU7X...............23,166 EW4GL..............15,496
Multi-Operator no entries